Special talent and dedication is required to succeed in the arena of marketing. Those who prefer deskbound lifestyle should not choose this profession as their career. Multitude of challenges are involved in marketing and hence many candidates are suspicious whether they will succeed or meet the fate of failure. In reputed educational institutes workshops and seminars are conducted that assists students to take decisive decisions. Motivational speakers and experts are called to interact with students so as to eradicate doubts and confusions that has harbored in their mind. Many students are reluctant to discuss openly whether they should opt for marketing or not and an expert marketing professional can prove to be the best mentor.
These days’ motivational speakers and mentors are especially called to discuss the problems of students. Elvin Siew Chun Wai is appointed on a reputed post but he is often called by renowned educational institute to address the problems of students. Sometimes students need insiders to make them acquainted with the insightful information. Many students have entered into the arena of marketing due to some external pressure. Elvin has expressed his disappointment on several occasions because he believes that everybody has the right to chase their personal goals. There are many parents who force their children to join marketing because it is very lucrative.
Just hefty salary package, added incentive or perks should not be used as excuse. Elvin Siew Chun Wai further adds that students should chase their goals; money is not everything but the capacity of the individual does matters. Some people are confused that marketing, engineering, medical science offer the best prospects to the students. However, this is far from actuality. You can choose the career of your choice. While concluding seminar and workshops, Elvin repeats his statement several times, he says marketing was his destiny but you should seek own goals.